Sunday, October 12, 2008

October Snow.....thanks alot mother nature, i love you too......

my parents truck all covered in snow, seeking refuge in my garage.

my driveway.....before i spent an hour and all my energy cleaning that beast off.

an artsy shot of the snow falling with my roof in the background.

*sigh* that would be the freezing, sad remains of my once proud rose garden.

the fruits of my labors :D

So how much did everybody else love waking up to like 4 inches of snow this morning???? Yeah, it only got worse as i sat in church, and by the time i got home I had a good six inches of snow to clean off the ole driveway. Good times, good times. I hope everybody realizes that this means mother nature is screwing with us for fun and giggles, just watch, you'll see, it'll be like 75 degrees for Christmas. *sigh*

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